Proprietor’s Board
The Proprietor's Board (PB) has a particular responsibility to preserve and safeguard the school's special character and act as an agent for the owner of the land and buildings which constitute the school. The special character is terminology embedded in our integration agreement with the government. The meaning is specific and includes Christian worship and the doctrine of the Anglican Church, the boarding establishment, maintaining tradition, and the development of the whole person with special emphasis on music, arts, outdoor education and Christian values.
The Bishop of Waikato and Taranaki - The Most Reverend Philip Richardson
The Very Reverend Anne Mills, BEd, BTh, MTh (Hons), DipTchg

Board Members
Anna Sinclair
Kate Lethbridge - LLM, GradDipBusStudies(DisRes)
Deborah Nelson, Master of Nursing (Old Girls' Rep)
Jeremy Gibbons, BE (Civil) (Hons), NZCE (Civil), CMEng NZ, CPEng.
Craig Blomfield, BMS (Hons), CA
Jason Marinkovich, BMS, CA
Boards Secretary: Liz Binns
School Board
The role of the School Board is to ensure that the school is managed correctly and financed and complies with the educational and legal requirements of the Ministry of Education. The Board also sets the strategic direction of the school.
Presiding Member
Samuel Hood LLB, BA (Political Studies), NZ Cert in Tikanga (Maatauranga Maaori) Lvls 3-4

Board Members
Josie Keucke GradDip Business and Human Resources (Deputy Presiding Member)
Raewyn McPhillips MBA, BSc, PGDipBusAdmin, PGDipMgtSt
Brigham Nordstrom, LLB (Parent and Whaanau Group Representative).
Deborah Nelson, Master of Nursing (PB Rep)
Ingrid ter Beek (Parent Representative)
Boards Secretary: Liz Binns

Board Policies & Procedures
Waikato Diocesan School for Girls uses SchoolDocs for our Policies and Procedures. Click on the blue button below to access the school policies and procedures. Once on the website, search for Waikato Diocesan School for Girls and log in with the username and password below.
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SchoolDocs content is updated every term due to scheduled and internal reviews.
Printed copies of policies and procedures are available on request. The site is designed and written for online use; links to other pages and online resources won’t work in a printed version. These links are essential in showing how the policies and procedures relate.
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